Yesterday, Sunday June 30th, a wild fire that was sparked by lightning on Saturday night, spread out of control through the town of Yarnell, Arizona. Yarnell is southwest of Prescott, AZ by about 35 miles. I lived in Prescott for 7 years and my son and his wife still live there. The fire overtook 19 elite firefighters from the Granite Mountain Hot Shots. All but one has perished. My heart cries out for these folks who laid their lives on the line to protect others. They gave the ultimate sacrifice in the protection of others. The average age on the hot shot crew was 22. Please keep them in your thoughts.
Granite Mountain Hot Shots |
Later today I am releasing my next podcast. Ironically it speaks on emergency preparedness. Many of those folks in Yarnell had only minutes to pack what they could in their vehicles and leave their homes. Many left with little more than their lives. Today's release will address emergency preparedness and how that relates to my Tiny House Homestead. I am sure that much of the content can be translated into your life as well.
In the words of my friend, Jesse S. "...
I wish to send my prayers to the families to those heroes who gave the last full measure protecting us. I stand with their families and friends, and I stand with my state I love. "
Read more about the Yarnell Hill Fire and the tragedy here....Yarnell Hill Fire