First I found 3 vacuum containers that will work with my FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing system. I love my vacuum sealer because I can buy in bulk and then break what I purchased down into reasonable serving/storage sizes. I also am able to save already cooked food to extend its life by freezing it with less risk of freezer burn. In these containers things such as crackers and cereal will stay fresh much longer (especially in a more humid climate) and, if I add an oxygen absorber, will stay fresh indefinitely (as long as the seal is good).

I am a huge fan of
garage/rummage/tag/yard sales because 1) they
are like a treasure hunt. Sometimes you will find great treasures, sometimes not so much. 2) You can find things that you would love to own, but would never pay retail for. Those vacuum sealer containers were $20 and up for EACH ONE. I paid 50 cents for the larger and 25 cents for the smaller one. That is $1.25 for all three! That is just 2% of the retail cost. You cannot beat that deal. 3) You may find things you didn't know you needed for a great price and that is just a bonus.