Sunday, January 17, 2016

Small Batch Baking in a Tiny House

Small Batch Baking by Debby Maugans Nakos
I love the smell of fresh baked foods in my Tiny House. Something about the smell of baked goods makes my home feel even more cozy and warm. I enjoy baking in general, but seeing as how I have a tiny family in my tiny house (just two people) baking large cakes, lots of muffins, or a dozen cupcakes just means we will feel compelled to eat them or they will go to waste. I don't like to let things go to waste so I started looking around for cookbooks aimed at small batch cooking. I was pleasantly surprised to find to find a line of cookbooks by Debbie Maugans Nakos. Her first book in the series is aptly named Small Batch Baking: When Just Enough for 1 or 2 is...Just Enough. 

I am not a fan of collecting a ton of cookbooks due to my limited space, but if I like one well enough I gladly add it to my cookbook library. I find this book to be well worth the investment (under $11). The book is not super large either, measuring 7" x 8" and about 2" thick. Perfect for the Tiny House kitchen. 

Tiny House Homestead's Cookbook Library
Ms. Maugans Nakos goes into great detail about how to scale down ingredients for small batch baking. For example, she explains how to use a large muffin pan to bake mini pies. I would never have thought to use a muffin pan to bake pie! There is a section for conversions that clearly explains how to scale down recipes too.

Included are recipes for cakes, pies, tarts, coblers, crips, crumbles, baked puddings, muffins, and breads.  There are even chapters for Valentines Day and other holidays. A wide variety of goodies to satisfy the sweet tooth. There are over 200 delicious recipes for you to try.

If you like to bake like I do, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of Small Batch Baking. Yum!