Yesterday I had some time to kill before an appointment so I stopped in at my local Harbor Freight. Normally I try not to buy retail and definitely try not to buy cheap, foreign produced goods, however I have heard that Harbor Freight has super inexpensive tools that are decent. I need a router and a router table, so I figured I had nothing to loose by just taking a gander at what they have to offer. What I found was pleasantly surprising. Yes, there is a ton of foreign produced, low quality "stuff" in there, but there were some diamonds in the rough as well. I like to believe that I enjoy focusing on the positive so here are a couple of things I found to be good deals:
Clamps: Clamps were on sale this week. Now, I have to add that I don't know how the sale cycles work at Harbor Freight, but .99 cents each was a good enough deal that I bought ten of these useful little buggers. I would have purchased 30, but decided I would test these out before I bought a ton of them. So far they are doing a nice job, but I haven't really had to use them to build anything yet. If they fail to live up to expectations I will be sure to do a follow up post to let you readers know. Rest assured, that applies to any product I write about on this blog.
I do not work for Harbor Freight and they did not give me product in exchange for a review!!
Large Greenhouse: I am particularly fond of this find. A 10 X 12 ft greenhouse that is aluminum and polycarbonate with 4 vents and sliding doors for $629 on sale. This is a large enough greenhouse that a person can move around inside and there is plenty of room. It is solid enough that, when secured to a foundation, it should withstand the weather well. Bonus: It assembles with a wrench. Score! I hope to be able to buy one of these to put up on my property!
Both of these items look like they will be of useful service for some time and their construction appears solid. The prices were great, comparatively speaking. Take a look around their website to see more of what they have to offer at
Oh, and on a final note, no, I didn't buy a router while at Harbor Freight. I decided I am going to pick up a Craftsman brand router up via Craigslist since I can get one for about the cost of one new at Harbor Freight and I am familiar with the quality of Craftsman.