What is Rancho No Dinero?
Rancho No Dinero is 2.43 acres of remote joy. It is a sustainable homestead which is built on the principles of a small footprint. My tiny home of just 190 sq. ft. will be off the grid. Set amongst the tall pines on the side of a mountain, this homestead will produce its own energy, food, and will prove that living in the smallest of footprints does not mean hardship.
Why IndieGoGo?
I am a teacher and I live in a major city. Most of my income is sucked up in rent, utilities, etc. I use whatever free income I have to build my Tiny Home and pay off my land. As a result, I have tapped my resources which means it will take me longer to make my move to the homestead and begin writing full time. Almost 20% of my budget is taken with purchasing the trailer my house will be built on. As a result, it has been slow going and I would like to get a jump on the acquisition of the trailer.
It has become a personal challenge of mine to build this house with the best quality of products for the least amount of money. I am wicked good when it comes to hunting down bargains at Goodwill, Amazon, Ebay, and Craigslist. While I think many things can be compromised on, the trailer is just simply not one of them.
The Trailer I Need:

If you have ever dreamed of building your own tiny home or like the idea but would never be able to live in 190 sq. ft., or the idea of living on a homestead seems unfathomable, you can live vicariously through my adventure. If you would like, you can receive updates including photos of my progress. You can also follow my progress on www.RanchoNoDinero.com.

Please spread the word and follow my blog which I am keeping to document the process and keep track of my thoughts. I also have a page where we have a list of items yet to purchase that perhaps someone may be able to contribute. Please check me out at www.RanchoNoDinero.com.

I believe that we can live on this earth with a minimum on negative impact. I believe it is possible to live a more simple life where waste and pollution do not have to be a natural by-product of a life well lived. The tiny house movement is on to something great and we love the idea of being of being a part of it. I think that the blog on my website will help to educate many on living a more sustainable life. The books I have planned will help further and better the movement. Come be a part of it with me.
Click her to support my campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tiny-house-trailer/x/2316888
feel free to donate using the Paypal button in the right column.