MacBook Pro which they have had since their college days, so I got a chance to play around on a couple to help me decide whether or not I thought the cost was worth the investment. I also did some research on the different models to see which one might best fit my needs.
Things I considered while doing my research:
- I am planning on using the MacBook primarily to produce my podcast and update my blog (I am not a gamer)
- I want something relatively lightweight and small enough to take on travels
- I need a model that can easily be updated/have parts replaced as needed
What I discovered in my research was a dedicated cult following for the MacBook Pro Mid 2012 model. Why would anyone want a computer that is 6 years old in this day and age? Well let me tell you what I discovered:
- The MacBook Pro Mid 2012 model (MD101LL/A) is still being sold today by Apple, it is just buried on their website
- It has a CD drive for those of use who still like to watch old school CD's on their computer
- It has two USB 3, an SD slot, and a Thunderbolt port
- Bluetooth and 802.11n LAN
- The battery, RAM, and hard drive can easily be updated/upgraded
- This model can still be updated to the latest iOS x
- While it does not have a retina screen, the resolution is still surprisingly good
- Mac peripherals work with this model as well (iPad, Apple Watch, Magic Mouse 2, etc.)
- A refurbished or used MacBook Pro can be purchased for $400 - $800 on Amazon
Well, after much consideration I decided to buy one and picked one up on Amazon for just $379. I bought it from a company that sells refurbished computers and it came with 8 gb of RAM and a 500 gb hard drive. This is more than enough computer for my needs and I cannot express just how much I enjoy having the MacBook Pro.

There are many fancy new models of the MacBook Pro, but for those (like me) on a budget, the Mid 2012 model just may be the answer. Remember, living on the homestead is about living well, but being practical. This laptop is a great compromise between desire and need. Who could ask for anything more?
Now to test out Garage Band to produce my next podcast.
Have a great week everyone!